Monday, May 2, 2011

Visual Symbols in My Life

There are so many symbols that we see every day that it is hard to isolate a few to add here. But right now is such a busy time for me. All my classwork for the semester is due today, I have many end of the year things going on at school and am trying to get summer school set up and scheduled for the elementary and high school kids at Janesville, I start my new courses next week, I am in my usual spring mode of applying for jobs, planning a trip to Florida in June, helping to plan my daughters wedding in July, and just the everyday things that a person has to do. I am sure my husband is wishing I was doing more of the everyday things this week, we may be getting kind of hungry soon if one of us does not find time to go to the grocery store. I don't mean to sound like I am complaining it is just the time of year, so many things to do and they always all come at once. That is why my first two symbols are a calendar and a clock.
Over the past couple of weeks about the only thing that I have really identified with as a visual symbol is:

I have been fueled with Diet Coke and chocolate, I have my computer on and my phone closeby almost all the time, I visit the IAREAP web site on a daily basis and when not teaching, I am surrounded by text books and articles and have been working on building two web sites. One for my library course and one for the new preschool in Waverly.

I am winding down this semester and getting ready for the next, only a one week break.

I am hoping that my yearly quest for employment will come to an end this year by finding a position that I can stay with for the long haul, one that doesn't end up on the chopping block, one that is an awesome fit for my background and experience.

This course has taught me a great deal about visual literacy and I have enjoyed coming to class and participating in the discussion. Always an enlightening experience. The video clips from our favorite movies last week were a lot of fun and I now have a list of must see movies if I find some free time this summer. I have watched more YouTube videos this semester than I have at any other time in my life and I have had some good laughs from many of them.

I love being in the classroom both as a student as a teacher and this has been a great start on my journy to a masters degree. I look forward to what comes next.

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