Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Beginnings and a Giggle

As I work my way through the beginning of the school year both as a teacher and a student I find the best way to survive is to find a way to laugh. The following video cracks me up, it is just way to funny. But if you start to think about the two roles being played out here it makes you think, is this how some of our students feel? Does it all come to fast even though you have people telling you that it is so simple and basic?  Do I have this much impatience with my students when they just are not getting something?
I am making an effort this year to look at things in a positive way. Not to get sucked into the negative grumblings of co-workers and above all to find joy and humor in each day and to thank God for all that I have.
So watch the video maybe it will make you giggle and smile. Have a great year!


  1. Hi Sandra,

    Loved the video, just what I needed. I like what you said about remaining positive and avoid getting sucked into the negative grumblings. I have a staff right now with some personality conflicts that have affected our building atmosphere. Your post and video have given me some ideas for re-focusing our efforts.

    Thanks so much!
    Joel Weeks

  2. Unfortunately, this is a sad commentary on the dumbing down of education through standardized testing. If they need to know their A,B,Cs, then they will only teach ABC.

    I agree with Joel that you need to stay away from the grumbling. While there exist unfair situations that some people might not like, grumblings are usually by people who find proactive change more difficult than complaining about what exists.

    You are a change agent. Look to the future.

