Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In or Out with Technology

Should technology education in lower elementary be integrated into the curriculum or be taught in a pull out program? Today I had the opportunity to sit in on a meeting of lower elementary teachers discussing technology. It seemed that they all agreed that students at this level need some direct instruction on how to use the computer but then parted about half and half as to the solution, integration or segragation. I agree with Brad Edwards that technology should be a “pull-in” instead of a “pull-out” program. Technology should not be something you go do once a week but instead something that happens every day. There are so many possibilities for integrating technology such as digital story telling using Voice Thread or an iPad App called StoryKit. These programs allow students create audio recordings of their stories and then add pictures and text that when completed can then be emailed to family members. Students can work with interactive maps in social studies and explore the solar system or insects through educational Apps or web sites. The possibilities are endless until you pull them out of the classroom and box technology into a half hour program in an isolated room. And the icing on this wonderful antiquated cake is …. The time for this pull out program can be accommodated by eliminating the students school library time. I don’t know about you, but on this rare occasion, I was speechless.

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