Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Backwards Learning in Second Life

I have been having some issues with Second Life and my computer not wanting to play nice together but last night I did manage to join my EIT group for most of our evening gathering. Now tonight I am beginning my journey through the GameLab tours to learn how to find may way around in this new world. The first Quest of my tour in virtual reality has been very helpful, I feel like I have a little better handle on the control panels and should be able to find my way much easier.
For anyone out there who has not experience a virtual world Second Life is a fun experience although a little frustrating at times when you are first beginning. My advice would be to hang in there an keep trying because there is some awesome things to experience in the virtual world of Second Life.

1 comment:

  1. You have a great positive attitude about SL, Sandra.
    Sorry that you are having such problems. I would suggest that you connect with the Web through a cable and if your computer isn't fast enought, come to SEC 127 tonight to get online.
